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The Anti-inflammatory Effect of Personalized Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dosing for Reducing Prostaglandin E in the Colonic Mucosa Is Attenuated in Obesity.

Djuric, Z., et al. “The Anti-Inflammatory Effect Of Personalized Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dosing For Reducing Prostaglandin E In The Colonic Mucosa Is Attenuated In Obesity.”. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, Pa.), pp. 729-737.
Center University of Michigan
Author Zora Djuric, Kim Turgeon, Ananda Sen, Jianwei Ren, Kirk Herman, Devon Ramaswamy, Lili Zhao, Mack T Ruffin, Daniel P Normolle, William L Smith, Dean E Brenner

This clinical trial developed a personalized dosing model for reducing prostaglandin E (PGE) in colonic mucosa using ω-3 fatty acid supplementation. The model utilized serum eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, ω-3):arachidonic acid (AA, ω-6) ratios as biomarkers of colonic mucosal PGE concentration. Normal human volunteers were given low and high ω-3 fatty acid test doses for 2 weeks. This established a slope and intercept of the line for dose versus serum EPA:AA ratio in each individual. The slope and intercept was utilized to calculate a personalized target dose that was given for 12 weeks. This target dose was calculated on the basis of a model, initially derived from lean rodents, showing a log-linear relationship between serum EPA:AA ratios and colonic mucosal PGE reduction. Bayesian methods allowed addition of human data to the rodent model as the trial progressed. The dosing model aimed to achieve a serum EPA:AA ratio that is associated with a 50% reduction in colonic PGE Mean colonic mucosal PGE concentrations were 6.55 ng/mg protein (SD, 5.78) before any supplementation and 3.59 ng/mg protein (SD, 3.29) after 12 weeks of target dosing. In secondary analyses, the decreases in PGE were significantly attenuated in overweight and obese participants. This occurred despite a higher target dose for the obese versus normal weight participants, as generated by the pharmacodynamic predictive model. Large decreases also were observed in 12-hydroxyicosatetraenoic acids, and PGE increased substantially. Future biomarker-driven dosing models for cancer prevention therefore should consider energy balance as well as overall eicosanoid homeostasis in normal tissue. .

Year of Publication
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)
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Alternate Journal
Cancer Prev Res (Phila)
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