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The GLP-1 response to glucose does not mediate beta and alpha cell dysfunction in Hispanics with abnormal glucose metabolism.

Adams, Elizabeth, et al. “The GLP-1 Response to Glucose Does Not Mediate Beta and Alpha Cell Dysfunction in Hispanics With Abnormal Glucose Metabolism”. 2018. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 135, 2018, pp. 185–191.
Author Elizabeth Adams, Pauline Genter, Emma Keefe, Kevin Sandow, Virginia Gray, Jerome I Rotter, Yii-Der Ida Chen, Eli Ipp
Keywords GLP-1, Glucagon suppression index, glucose tolerance, Hispanic, Insulinogenic index

AIMS: Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) contributes to insulin secretion after meals. Though Hispanics have increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is unknown if impaired GLP-1 secretion contributes to this risk. We therefore studied plasma GLP-1 secretion and action in Hispanic adults.

METHODS: Hispanic (H; n = 31) and non-Hispanic (nH; n = 15) participants underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). All participants were categorized by glucose tolerance into four groups: normal glucose tolerant non-Hispanic (NGT-nH; n = 15), normal glucose tolerant Hispanic (NGT-H; n = 12), impaired glucose tolerant Hispanic (IGT-H; n = 11), or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, Hispanic (T2D-H; n = 8).

RESULTS: Glucose-induced increments in plasma GLP-1 (Δ-GLP-1) were not different in NGT-H and NGT-nH (p = .38), nor amongst Hispanic subgroups with varying degrees of glucose homeostasis (p = .6). In contrast, the insulinogenic index in T2D-H group was lower than the other groups (p = .016). Subjects with abnormal glucose homeostasis (AGH), i.e., T2D-H plus IGT-H, had a diminished glucagon suppression index compared to patients with normal glucose homeostasis (NGT-H plus NGT-nH) (p = .035).

CONCLUSIONS: GLP-1 responses to glucose were similar in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic NGT. Despite similar glucose-induced Δ-GLP-1, insulin and glucagon responses were abnormal in T2D-H and AGH, respectively. Thus, impaired GLP-1 secretion is unlikely to play a role in islet dysfunction in T2D. Although GLP-1 therapeutics enhance insulin secretion and glucagon suppression, it is likely due to pharmacological amplification of the GLP-1 pathways rather than treatment of hormonal deficiency.

Year of Publication
Diabetes research and clinical practice
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Alternate Journal
Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract.
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