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Determination of Pubertal Status in Youths With Type 1 Diabetes Using Height Velocity and Trajectories.

Zhu, J., et al. “Determination Of Pubertal Status In Youths With Type 1 Diabetes Using Height Velocity And Trajectories.”. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, pp. 74-82.
Center Joslin Diabetes Center
Author Jia Zhu, Lisa K Volkening, Lori M Laffel

Context: Assessment of pubertal change is important for the management of chronic pediatric diseases, such as type 1 diabetes. Physical and/or laboratory assessments of pubertal status are often unavailable, impractical, or costly.

Objective: To develop and validate a practical and objective method to assess pubertal status using longitudinal linear growth in youths with type 1 diabetes.

Design, Participants, and Outcome Measurements: Participants (n = 123) were part of a 2-year study assessing continuous glucose monitoring in youths with type 1 diabetes at a tertiary diabetes center. Pubertal status at visits was assigned by a tiered approach using clinical Tanner staging or indicators of pubertal maturation from the electronic medical record when available. For other visits, independent evaluations of height velocities and growth chart trajectories provided data for pubertal status assignments. Sensitivity analysis confirmed the validity of the pubertal status assignments.

Results: The sample (50% female, 95% white) had a mean ± SD age of 12.7 ± 2.7 years, diabetes duration of 6.0 ± 3.6 years, and hemoglobin A1c of 7.9 ± 0.8%. Of 985 study visits, 50% received a pubertal status assignment based on clinical Tanner staging, 29% on additional medical record review, and 22% on an evaluation of height velocity and growth chart trajectory. For the sensitivity analysis, pubertal status assignments based on height velocity and growth chart trajectory matched clinical Tanner staging in 87% of visits.

Conclusions: Our practical and objective method to assess pubertal status based on height velocity and growth chart trajectory highlights growth as a reliable and objective bioassay for pubertal onset, status, and progression.

Year of Publication
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
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Alternate Journal
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.
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